Hi! Welcome to ASC|Photography64.  I am so excited to capture your memories!!!
My name is Amy Conner Thompson. I grew up in south central Oklahoma in a big family who worked hard and loved harder. We raised cattle, horses, and pigs while also being a part of the Oklahoma oil field family. I'm currently living in Stillwater, OK (Go Pokes!) with the man of my dreams raising cattle, horses, and living life to it's fullest! 
Together, Darren and I have 6 kids... 3 by blood, 3 by choice, all by love. They are, and always will be, my inspiration behind my photography. All of my kids have aspired and become successful within their lives... Dillon, who served 4 years aboard the USS Enterprise in the US Navy, is now a deputy for the Garvin County Sheriff's department while also serving as a volunteer firefighter for the Pernell Fire Department. Amanda, a graduate of Okahoma State University, is a mom of 2 and just finished Grad School with a Masters in Math at UT Tyler. Nick, in his rodeo career and pursuing that title of Champion. Eric, with his love of everything THUNDER and martial arts, just finished his Advanced Pharmacy Technician training at Meridian Technology Center. Hollis, the baby, just graduated high school and is pursuing her degree in Early Childhood Education with an emphasis in Special Education. I am happy to add a son-in-law, Brian, as well as a grandson, Daniel, and our newest granddaughter, Nellie Joy to the mixture as well! Brian is currently working in the Science field, while pursing a nursing degree. (My kids are BUSY!)
ASC|Photography64 (originally 3BellesPhotography), was renamed in memory of my son Jess who died in a house fire March 24, 2013. Jess was a BIG kid physically but he also lived life BIG. He loved every aspect of life, good and bad. His outlook on life at the age of 19 was greater than most 19 year olds, and he had lived more than most people have by the age of 80. He truly enjoyed it. 
He was very active in Football (#64) and FFA, as a team leader and member of the officer team serving as President of his local chapter his Senior year. He won countless awards and recognitions within both organizations.  He was one of my sources, usually reluctantly, for inspiration.
Family is a very big part of who I am. Photography64 is focused on capturing life as it is lived. Each photograph I take is reflective of life; the way YOU live it-I am inspired by life, and want to do everything I can to meet your expectations. Providing my clients with captured memories and making each session reflect the individuality and unique personalities of each client is what I love most about this job! I strive to find the joy and beauty in all things and preserve it within a photograph.... Let me tell your story!  

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